Oct 04, 2021 - Enhancing Night Time Driving with Reflective Highway Signs | Stay Safe Year-Round

Reflective highway structures and signs help drivers see where they are driving in both daytime and nighttime conditions. As reputable signpost manufacturers, we believe high-quality highway signs play an important role in road safety and allow us to safely navigate our road systems. They bring order to road traffic and provide valuable information about a road’s conditions, instructions to be followed at crossroads or intersections, and warnings for both drivers and pedestrians. 

Nova Pole manufactures highway sign structures and floodlight poles among other industrial products. We’ll break down how highway sign structures enhance nightly driving and can help you stay alert during those long trips on the highway. We’ll also provide reasons why you can trust Nova Pole by creating and providing you with these valuable signs. 


How Do Highway Sign Structures Enhance Night Driving?

Highway sign structures are designed with the intent to help drivers steer their vehicles in the right direction and avoid collisions or accidents. They are constructed out of durable materials that make sure the signs can withstand any harsh environment or elements. With these highway signs in place, they can help drivers see what’s ahead from a visible distance and assist in getting to their destination. They can also warn drivers of potential hazards such as closures, weather alerts, or delays on the road. 

Scientific studies have shown that increased sign visibility can ultimately enhance night driving and plays a lead role in road safety. They help drivers and motorists navigate the road through clearly marked road markings and signage structures that result in lower accident rates. This contributes to a safe, positive driving environment overall, but the exact science of how these signs keep you alert on the highway factors in as well. 


How Can Highway Structures Help You Stay Alert On The Highway?

Highway signs structures are designed to keep you alert by utilizing retroreflective technology during manufacturing. Whenever headlights strike a traffic sign or highway sign structure, the bright light is reflected back to the driver’s vision in a cone-shaped form. From the driver’s perspective, this cone of reflectivity lets the driver see the sign very clearly. The closer they are to the center of this cone, the brighter the sign appears to a level that doesn’t obstruct where they’re going. 

This technology helps keep drivers aware of their surroundings and where they’re going. If a driver is on the edge of a road or outside the vicinity of the cone, the signs may appear dimmer and difficult to spot. Highway sign structures built with higher efficiency sheeting will often reflect more light back to the driver. 

Another factor to consider is the size of the vehicle and how that may affect observation angle and reflective sign performance. Different vehicles offer different observation angles when the headlights flash backlight to the driver’s eye level. Different drivers view different things when they come across these highway sign structures, but the main point is that it works. 

That’s why our team at Nova Pole carefully constructed each of them to expand the efficiency rates and cone of reflectivity and direct more light back to the driver at a better angle.


Why Trust Nova Pole With The Manufacturing Of These Signs?

We have many years of experience manufacturing and providing clients with high-quality tubular steel traffic, road, and highway sign structures for different locations. We take great care in creating exceptional products that will help preserve road safety and correct directions wherever drivers travel to. Our highway sign structures are built and designed with durable material to endure any environment with dangerous elements to ensure you know where you’re going and what to be aware of at your destination. 

Keep drivers safe on the highways today! If you’d like to learn more about our sign structures or purchase some for your project, call us now at 1-866-874-8889 or contact us HERE